Author admin

‘Ghetto-Themed’ Party Offends at CT’s Fairfield University
An off-campus “ghetto-themed” party held by students from Fairfield University in Connecticut has prompted an…

Study: Parent Depression Linked to Kids’ Weaker School Performance
A Swedish study published in JAMA Psychiatry has found that children who have parents who…

Warning Labels on Sugary Drinks Push Parents Away, Study Says
A new study published online in the journal Pediatrics has found that health warning labels…

Los Angeles Teachers Say New Discipline Rules Harm Classrooms
A growing number of teachers in the Los Angeles Unified School District are arguing that a…

Anonymous ‘After School’ App Used by Millions of Teenagers
Millions of teenagers across the country are using a new application on their smartphones to…

Wisconsin High School Soccer Game Generates Trump Chants
(Photo: Pixabay, Creative Commons) In Wisconsin, a high school girls’ soccer game took a frightening…

Alabama House Passes Increased Ed Budget, Teacher Raise Bill
The Alabama education budget and a bill that would increase teachers’ salaries has passed unanimouslyin the…

Despite More Tech Use, Australia Computer Literacy Skills Decline
Results of national information and communication technology tests show that computer literacy skills have declined…

Report Details Community College Transfer, Degree Attainment Rates
A report released by the Community College Research Center at Teachers College of Columbia University…